Tag Archives: #test_sample

DSDN101 Project 3: Stop Motion Technique Test Sample

This was for the interim hand-in of the work “to date”. I hadn’t got very far by this stage as I still wasn’t sure how I wanted to do the clip. I’d also been spending a lot of time on other assignments as well and this project was therefore suffering from a lack of time spent on it.

DSDN101 Project 3: The Clip – Green Screen Test Sample

These are a couple more wee tests I did in the comfort of the indoors to see if a green screen would work for my idea, and to hopefully give some very vague idea on what I plan to do. I do not plan on using a desk, magic dots, a small green screen and smoothing the posts on with my hands. The plan is to use a wall in the city, a large green screen at home for the posting bit, larger posts, my cousin as my conversation partner and some kind of glue that can be slapped on with a paintbrush. That’s the plan anyway, but the plan could change…