Tag Archives: #interaction_design

DSDN112 Interaction Design: Interactive Object Outline

My plan is to create an interactive object that explores the tactile sense by excluding all other senses so only the sense of touch is used.

The object will consist of two boxes with holes to put hands in. One of the boxes will contain an object to be felt, and will have a variety of gloves attached to the holes where the hands go, except for one which will have no glove attached. The person will put their hands into the holes to touch a part of the object inside. The whole object is felt by placing hands in the holes. In the second box, they will sculpt what they felt, take the sculpture out and place it on a stand. After a few people have done this, their sculptures are compared to the original object to see how accurate their tactile sense is. A new object is then placed in the box, and the process starts again.

I am aiming to provide people with a completely tactile experience when using the interactive object, one that allows them to understand their sense of touch better through interacting with an object by touch alone and then attempting to sculpt by touch, what they felt.