Tag Archives: #images

The Intelligence of Touch (images)

The Intelligence of Touch (video)

The Intelligence of Touch from pagesinclair on Vimeo.

An exploration into our sense of touch.
This is a video demo of my first year interaction design project that I did at the University of Victoria, Wellington. It shows how to interact with the designed object. This interactive object allowed users to explore their sense of touch and to gain an appreciation for the amazing ability we have to feel surface qualities and discern shapes by touch alone. It was purposefully built to shut out visual feedback to make the user focus on the use of touch to “see” an object.
If I had thought about it at the time I would have got rid of the furniture in the background and made sure that no cats could make a walk-on appearance during filming.
Good Old Neon (2010). Arrange Yourselves from Best to Worst. On Radiant City [mp3 file]. Sourced from: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Good_Old_Neon/Radiant_City_Sample-free_Version/10_Arrange_Yourselves_from_Best_to_Worst under an Attribution NonCommercial License
Arrange Yourselves from Best to Worst (Good Old Neon) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Creative Coding Structure & Noise: form pattern

Thought I’d see what my form from the first project, Adaptable Form, looked like as a pattern in purple. It reminds me of leadlight windows.

Creative Coding Structure & Noise: pattern practice 3

Once again with the squares and varying line weights, but this time I added some lines and made the red, blue and opacity variables random within a narrow range. I changed the colour to blues and greens to see what it would look like but went back to the reds and blues as I liked the mixing of those two colours better anyway. The pattern rate was changed often and I omitted the code for some of the lines, all in the name of playing around.

Creative Coding Structure & Noise: pattern practice 2

I decided to play with layers of squares this time. I picked a set of colours from a colour palette created from a photo on my phone to use, and played around with opacity and the stroke weight. I changed the colours to red ones later on as I wasn’t keen on the pastel shades.

Creative Coding Project 2 Structure & Noise: pattern practice

Yesterday we were introduced to our next project that focuses on exploring the concepts of structure and noise. We will be exploring the concept of structure through creation of a visual pattern built from visual elements, forms or a sub-process. Questions to ask: can noise be created from this structure so the structure becomes disguised by noise, and can noise be used to create structure?

What is structure and what is noise? Structure itself implies organisation; an order to things; a pattern or relationship between a number of elements. Noise is random and usually unwanted. It distorts and disguises or blocks the message being conveyed. There is no easily discernible pattern to noise.

So in class we started to have a look at structure by using the “pattern maker” code that Ben Jack, one of the tutors wrote for our use in Processing. I started out by creating very simple shapes and therefore patterns, and even the ones I did later in the night were simple and yet by changing a couple of variables to do with how often the pattern repeated, the output looked either a bit more complex or very simple and not a pattern at all.

I played around with the colour and colour opacity and changed the shapes a few times, the ellipses look better than the ellipse and square. Some of the patterns look quite intricate.

DSDN112 Interaction Design: Storyboard

Storyboard: Closed Boxes


Storyboard: The inside story


DSDN142 Creative Coding: Images

These images were generated by changing the angle, scale, height and width values in a random order.

DSDN142 Creative Coding: Sequence 1

This is the set of form experimentation snapshots that sequence one of the board comes from.