Tag Archives: #finals

One Word Film

Storyboard for my word EVANESCE. Still required some comments to be added at this point

Evanesce: disappear gradually. Like morning mist or vapor.

Font: Packard Antique (Steffmann, D., 2000)

and the film

Unfortunately I didn’t plan my time as well as I should have to take into account any hiccups such as storyboards needing to be reworked or redone because of mistakes and I ran out of time to add the sound to my clip.  I had planned on adding, and plan to do anyway as I would like to finish this wee movie properly, the sound of white noise to the clip as I wanted a sound that was subtle and had the  same quality about it as the visuals. I thought that white noise at a fairly quiet level was kind of like the sound of silence which is a sound I associate with morning mist when everything is very still and it’s still too early for there to be much activity around making its own sounds. Actually the sound of my computer through the amplifier I have hooked up to it would work quite nicely. I would also like to add more letters to the film as well to try and replicate what I have in the storyboard.


Steffmann, D. (2000). Packard Antique (font). Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com.