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DSDN 171 Blog 1: Design Persona

Kezia Page-Sinclair


I am Kezia Page-Sinclair and my decision to enrol in the Bachelor of Design Innovation came about while I was working on an assignment for an information systems course I was doing as part of the Bachelor of Information Technology at Weltec. Well, at least, that was when I made the conscious decision to go to design school and then a few months later I worked up enough courage to enrol. I was writing a paper on how companies can remain competitive through the use of usability design and reading a book about innovation called Little Bets by Peter Sims  for personal interest, and I realised that while what I was learning at the time was useful, it wasn’t taking me in the direction I wanted to head in and it certainly wasn’t creative or challenging enough.

What I desire to achieve in design lies very much in the world of information technology, I want to design interfaces for software, for hardware and for the internet that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also are a pleasure to use, and make people want to interact with them because they are intuitive and fun and beautiful.

I have found inspiration from a number of sources. For the artist in me, there is the sculptor Anish Kapoor who makes fabulous sculptures out of materials such as powder pigment and highly polished metal, and for my tech-loving gadget freak, there is Apple. I feel Apple has designed products, such as the iPhone, that are the epitome of everything I aspire to achieve. I feel they are beautiful and intuitive to use, and the technology behind their products never seems to get in the way of being able to just use the product, something that I feel is incredibly important.