Tag Archives: #dsdn101_p3

DSDN101 Project 3: Brainstorm

DSDN101 Project 3: Blog Statement

How would it look if we took posting on our Facebook walls out of the digital realm and brought it into the physical world. Where would we post? Would we even post at all? I chose to explore the concept of  posting on a wall as we do on Facebook by taking it out of its usual context and placing it in a context where it would come off absurd looking. We post on our digital walls so regularly that we don’t always stop to think about how much privacy we actually have online or just how permanent that data could be, or indeed the narcissism involved in updating our status, or “checking in”. Tim Soutphommasane believes that

“the creeping influence of social media, impels us, however insidiously, to believe that nothing is validated as reality until it is either put into a status update or tweet.”  (para. 8, T. Soutphommasane, 2012)

He thinks that social media has caused us to redraw the lines between our private and public lives, so that almost everything becomes public, even if just to close friends. (T. Soutphommasane, 2012)

And in the spirit of the moment, I put on here one of my posts that didn’t really need to be posted, as well as a shot from the clip.

My stop motion clip shows the craziness of living our lives online to such an extent that we make lunch dates with others by posting to them. The clip shows two women in the city who have a conversation by “posting” messages to each other on the side of a physical “wall”, even though texts or phoning each other would be better suited to the topic of conversation, that of setting up a lunch date. As they post, members of the public walk by, some pay no attention to what is going on while others slow down slightly to read and observe as they walk by, thus illustrating that no conversation is ever truly private when broadcast via social media channels. The clip also shows how social media has redefined the idea of what a wall is used for to a certain extent, so we end up with perhaps a “new way of seeing” what a wall can be used for, although, as Rob Kelly said in his piece Urban Sprawl, “People have been posting things on other people’s walls before social media erupted and they haven’t stopped yet”. (para. 5, R. Kelly, 2012). Things such as posters, graffiti, tags and even poetry. http://www.flickr.com/photos/christopherdewolf/334744642/


Kelly, R. (23 April 2012). Urban Sprawl. Salient. Retrieved from http://www.salient.org.nz/arts/urban-sprawl

Soutphommasane, T. (21 May 2012). A moderate lament for the imminent passing of privacy. The Age.. Retrieved from http://theage.com.au

DSDN101 Project 3: Storyboard


Stavsky, L.  (2009, October 19). Pasted Poems on SoHo Walls [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://loisinwonderland.blogspot.co.nz/2009/10/pasted-poems-on-soho-walls.html

JezZBean. (n.d). Toilet Graffiti ….the writings on the wall » bologna-toilet-graffiti-4 [Web log post]. Retrieved from http://jezzbean.wordpress.com/2009/12/23/toilet-graffiti-the-writings-on-the-wall/bologna-toilet-graffiti-4/


Additional References added 30 June 2012 after hand-in date:

Bransby, R. (2012, June 19). Wormstash. Retrieved from http://thewallmachine.com/NEE5Vd.html

Facebook.com (n.d). Visual elements from Facebook used to create a Facebook style page for storyboard. Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/kezia.pagesinclair?ref=tn_tnmn

DSDN 101 Project 3: The Clip

DSDN101 Project 3 The Clip: Stop Motion raw footage 1 & 2



DSDN101 Project 3: Stop Motion Technique Test Sample

This was for the interim hand-in of the work “to date”. I hadn’t got very far by this stage as I still wasn’t sure how I wanted to do the clip. I’d also been spending a lot of time on other assignments as well and this project was therefore suffering from a lack of time spent on it.

DSDN101 Project 3: The Clip Development

This is a raw first cut, and I mean RAW!

There’s some things in it I am not too happy about. Photos and a proper outline around the paper would’ve been better I feel. Shows that I needed to do more prep work. I rendered this at 15fps but it seems too fast. Like I said, it is raw and needs editing, obviously.

DSDN101 Project 3: The Clip – Green Screen Test Sample

These are a couple more wee tests I did in the comfort of the indoors to see if a green screen would work for my idea, and to hopefully give some very vague idea on what I plan to do. I do not plan on using a desk, magic dots, a small green screen and smoothing the posts on with my hands. The plan is to use a wall in the city, a large green screen at home for the posting bit, larger posts, my cousin as my conversation partner and some kind of glue that can be slapped on with a paintbrush. That’s the plan anyway, but the plan could change…


DSDN101 Project 3: Stop Motion Clip Ideas

DSDN101 Project 3: Inspiration: Stop Motion Movies

The Morph Files “Excercising”

Peter Lord interview – Morph creator

Stop Motion featuring a Len Lye soundtrack
I like the ripple effect created by the green circles and red lines as the circles go off the edge of the frame.

DEADLINE post-it stop motion

DEADLINE the making of

500 People in 100 Seconds! – I quite like this one.

And one more, using card cutouts. Pretty nifty wee movie.


Couldn’t help myself. Had to add another. It’s sort of matches a thought that was playing around in my head.
ebay stop motion viral