Tag Archives: #dsdn101_p2

Evanesce flash movie

Evanesce was an earlier project done in the first semester for Design Visualisation. What I handed in was not a finished product and I swore to myself that I would get back to it and finish it. So I am….

What I handed in

Addendum: I’m not going to finish it… I am going to redo it

Development of one word film

Playing around with an idea of evanesce on the screen in the lower left corner appearing to slowly dissolve into tiny e’s, v’s, a’s, n’s, s’s and c’s that will rise up and disappear out the right of the stage or slowly fade away to nothing as they rise.


Steffmann, D. (2000). Packard Antique (font). Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com.

One Word Film

Storyboard for my word EVANESCE. Still required some comments to be added at this point

Evanesce: disappear gradually. Like morning mist or vapor.

Font: Packard Antique (Steffmann, D., 2000)

and the film

Unfortunately I didn’t plan my time as well as I should have to take into account any hiccups such as storyboards needing to be reworked or redone because of mistakes and I ran out of time to add the sound to my clip.  I had planned on adding, and plan to do anyway as I would like to finish this wee movie properly, the sound of white noise to the clip as I wanted a sound that was subtle and had the  same quality about it as the visuals. I thought that white noise at a fairly quiet level was kind of like the sound of silence which is a sound I associate with morning mist when everything is very still and it’s still too early for there to be much activity around making its own sounds. Actually the sound of my computer through the amplifier I have hooked up to it would work quite nicely. I would also like to add more letters to the film as well to try and replicate what I have in the storyboard.


Steffmann, D. (2000). Packard Antique (font). Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com.

Evanesce development

Playing around with possibilities for the word, evanesce, for my film clip.

My first idea was of the word being on the screen from the start and slowly dissolving into lots of tiny letters of the word that rise up and off the screen. This was turned into a 5 second movie clip to show for the interim presentation. The final movie ended up quite different from the first because of the feedback that the movie made the word too obvious from the beginning and was too static as well. So these rough storyboards are a couple of different ideas I had before I settled on what became the final. The first idea was to start zoomed in on one of the letters starting to dissolve into more letters and then slowly pan out till the word becomes visible just before it disappears completely. I wasn’t too keen on this idea tho as I felt it didn’t really capture the meaning of the word, which is, gradually disappearing as if like mist or vapor. I wanted to try to use the qualities of mist or vapor to express the word’s meaning, which I feel is captured better in the second idea of starting with a screen filled with lots of little letters of the word moving out of the screen in a slow upwards direction or just gradually fading away while still in screen, and enlarging some of the letters during the clip to spell out the word.

Project 2: Storyboard development

Further exploration of ideas ( the initial storyboards)

Argel, B. (2010). Electric Hands. Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com/electric-hands.font

Balvanz, B. (2002). Supreme. Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com/supreme-fontaliciou.font

Grebäck, M. (2011). Shortbrush. Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com/shortbrush.font

Kadir, W.S. (2011). Eternal Flame. Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com/eternal-flame.font

Steffmann, D. (2000). Packard Antique. Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com/packard-antique.font

Wilson, K. (2004). An Unfortunate Event. Retrieved from http://www.dafont.com/an-unfortunate-event.font

Project 2: One word film development ideas

Initial Word Ideas

These are very rough initial ideas I had for words on the first day of the project.


I decided I needed to do a wee mindmap so I was clear about the meaning of the words and the possible ways that meaning could be shown through typography and motion.

Shape Tween Tryout

Had a wee go at morphing some shapes. The video stops just before the last circles are complete, so I think I just need to add a few extra frames at the end to make sure they shape up right. Also might be a good idea when doing the word animation for the project to start with a few extra frames too, so the motion doesn’t start right off the bat. Seems a bit too quick when it does that.

Flash motion tween test

This is a wee animated clip of the words quick and slow that we did in the Flash tut we had before break.