The Intelligence of Touch (video)

The Intelligence of Touch from pagesinclair on Vimeo.

An exploration into our sense of touch.
This is a video demo of my first year interaction design project that I did at the University of Victoria, Wellington. It shows how to interact with the designed object. This interactive object allowed users to explore their sense of touch and to gain an appreciation for the amazing ability we have to feel surface qualities and discern shapes by touch alone. It was purposefully built to shut out visual feedback to make the user focus on the use of touch to “see” an object.
If I had thought about it at the time I would have got rid of the furniture in the background and made sure that no cats could make a walk-on appearance during filming.
Good Old Neon (2010). Arrange Yourselves from Best to Worst. On Radiant City [mp3 file]. Sourced from: under an Attribution NonCommercial License
Arrange Yourselves from Best to Worst (Good Old Neon) / CC BY-NC 3.0

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