Adventures in Box Making (part three)

Adventures in Box Making (part two: Feedback)

Now to the final phase of box construction: the materials for the box! Got to make it look pretty!

This initial idea germinated from the boxes I made for the storyboard. I wanted smooth tidy lines so wrapping the boxes in a lighter weight of card after scoring and constructing seemed like a good idea. Then I started thinking about it a bit more… Scoring the card to then fold was fine but there was still the issue of where the card would join. Then after that I would still have a visible edge where the lightweight card would meet. There was going to be an edge visible to some extent even if I managed a perfect glue job.

Good idea and the mock-up looked nice, but not good enough.

Steve and I chatted about options and he suggested scoring the lines to bend and bending them. As long as the scoring was very tidy it would look good. The problems with it however was the necessary join and the issue with strength. Steve pointed out to me that the corners would be weak and he was concerned about the overall durability of the cardboard as well.

Adventures in Box Making (part four)

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