Thoughts on how I use a map app

I have thought about how I use navigation interfaces and what I do and don’t like about them. I’d like it if I didn’t have to get my phone out of my bag every time I need to check where I am and where I need to head, when I am using a maps app. If I were to create a list of steps I take when I use the app it would be something like this:

  1. I get my phone out of my bag
  2. Key in the pin to unlock it.
  3. Open the navigation app I am using
  4. Thank the GPS gods for being able to choose ‘current location’ and have it accurate most of the time. Or swear under my breath because I have to type in the address because the map gives my current location as being on the other side of the motorway. While not that far from where I am if I were to go through people’s yards, run across the motorway, scale a fence and go through more yards, I can’t do that, legally. So I have to type in the destination, usually just the number and street are enough but not always, or a contact’s name, which then comes up with the address if I have one associated with them. To be fair, if I am on a website for somewhere I want to go to I can click on the address usually and then pick the directions to/from and it will plot the route for me. It used to open up the google maps app on my phone, however the Apple maps app has replaced it, and so it opens up google web map instead.
  5. Then I have look for the first turn or two in the directions and off I head, usually while putting my phone back in my bag because I don’t always like carrying it in my hand.
  6. I usually need to look at my phone again either to confirm I am headingĀ in the right direction or to get the next lot of directions. This is where the pain comes in for me, metaphorically speaking. Having to get my phone out, unlock it and then check for the next directions can be a tad annoying. I usually end up stopping when I do this, it’s distracting looking at the map and walking at the same time, especially when it’s in a busy place like the city.

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