DSDN142 Creative Coding: Final Images

Adaptable Form Final Images

Code for the Initial Form and the morphing of it.

The top left of the board is my initial form, and the remaining four forms in the first sequence were created by changing the values of the scale and angle variables, incrementing for the angle and incrementing and de-incrementing for the scale.

The second sequence of forms focused on changing angle, scale and rotation by incrementing and de-incrementing the values.

For the third sequence only the values for stroke weight and scale were changed. I found while iterating through values that the form slowly started taking on the form of a circle and by playing around with the values a bit more, the circle became more pronounced. Then when I continued to increment the stroke weight and scale values the circle slowly morphed into a square. The solidity of the forms surprised me as I had expected that by playing around with scale and line weight only, all that would happen would be a bulbous blobby mess slowly growing into just a white screen.

For the final two sequences, I played around with all the variables, so width, height, scale, angle, rotation and line weight all got a go at morphing the form from its original shape into new ones. I took the approach of “what if” when doing these, just to see what sort of forms could be achieved and how long it would take for it to dissolve into mere lines.

A snapshot of the form was saved every fifth frame.

I like variety of changes that have occurred while playing around with the variable’s values, some very beautiful forms have appeared, the fourth sequence for instance reminds me of music. I am not 100% happy however with the layout of my board, I feel that the third sequence is out-of-place in terms of how it looks from the rest, but the changes that took place were so great that I felt it fitted the concept of the project. Perhaps it would have been better placed as the last set of images instead of in the middle as it is, it feels too dominant due to the large amount of white.

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